Supereulerian 2-edge-coloured Graphs

by Anders Yeo


A 2-edge-coloured graph G is supereulerian if G contains a spanning closed trail in which the edges alternate in colours. An eulerian factor of a 2-edge-coloured graph is a collection of vertex disjoint induced subgraphs which cover all the vertices of G such that each of these subgraphs is supereulerian. A 2-edge-coloured graph is (trail-)colour-connected if it contains a pair of alternating (u,v)-paths ((u,v)-trails) whose union is an alternating closed walk for every pair of distinct vertices u,v. In this talk we give a polynomial algorithms to test if a 2-edge-coloured graph has an eulerian factor and to test if it is trail-colour-connected.

A 2-edge-coloured graph is M-closed if xz is an edge of G whenever some vertex u is joined to both x and z by edges of the same colour. M-closed 2-edge-coloured graphs, introduced in [1], form a rich generalization of 2-edge-coloured complete graphs. We will discuss results on 2-edge-coloured M-closed graphs, complete bipartite graphs and complete multipartite graphs. In fact if G is an extension of an M-closed 2-edge-coloured graph or if G is a complete bipartite graph, then G is supereulerian if and only if G is trail-colour-connected and has an eulerian factor. The same result does not hold for semicomplete multipartite graphs.

We also show that for general 2-edge-coloured graphs it is NP-complete to decide whether the graph is supereulerian and finally we pose a number of open problems.

Joint work with Jørgen Bang-Jensen and Thomas Bellitto.

[1] A. Contreras-Balbuena, H. Galeana-Sánchez and I. A. Goldfeder, Alternating Hamiltonian cycles in 2-edge-colored multigraphs. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 21 (1), 2019

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Anders Yeo