Progress on χ-binding functions for P5-free graphs

by Ingo Schiermeyer


A graph G with clique number \omega(G) and chromatic number \chi(G) is perfect if \chi(H)=\omega(H) for every induced subgraph H of G. A family \cal{G} of graphs is called \chi-bounded with binding function f if \chi(G') \leq f(\omega(G')) holds whenever G \in \cal{G} and G' is an induced subgraph of G.

It is an open problem whether the class of P_5-free graphs has a polynomial \chi-binding function. In this talk we will present a survey on polynomial \chi-binding functions for several classes of (P_5, H)-free graphs.


[1] C.Brause, B. Randerath, I. Schiermeyer, and E. Vumar, On the chromatic number of 2K2-free graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 253 (2019) 14–24.

[2] C. Brause, P. Holub, A. Kabela, Z. Ryjáček, I. Schiermeyer, and P. Vrána, On forbidden induced subgraphs for K_{1,3}-free perfect graphs, Discrete Mathematics 342 (6) (2019) 1602–1608.

[3] I. Schiermeyer and B. Randerath, Polynomial \chi-Binding Functions and Forbidden Induced Subgraphs: A Survey, Graphs and Combinatorics 35 (1) (2019) 1–31.

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Ingo Schiermeyer